Biggest Attack on Mumbai (Nov 27, 2008)

I woke up early in the morning and found nothing on the TV except for news of terrorists who had captured Taj Hotel and Oberoi hotel of Mumbai. With more than 100 peoples killed and more than 400 people injured , nobody expected such a disaster on India's most developed and biggest City.

The first thing that came up in my mind was How all these things happened. Considering the fact that both of these hotels are 5-Star Hotels, how come it had no security measures for checking the bags of people who are checking in the hotel. According to news reports, each terrorist carried 1-2 bags full of weapons. Was no security personnel concerned in checking these bags since the hotel was full of foreign delegates holding a meeting and even IPL(Indian Premier League) teams were about to stay in hotel Taj. If such kind of security was given to Hotel Taj then we can forget the feeling of secureness given to us by our Government.

I wonder what the f**k do these terrorists want. These bastards just say that they do al these things in the name if allah. Somebody teach those motherf**kers that not only they are making their country ashamed but also their muslim community. Nobody understands that muslims have nothing to do with these attacks. The attacks are carried out by some morons ("Insert some bad words her") who have lost humanity in them. They don't understand that these activities would only fuel the hatred between Hindus and Muslims.

When US was attacked in 9/11, then the US army almost erased Afghanistan to fight against terrorism.  Why can't India do the same. The reason is simple. The country is run by spineless cowards. They only say that they will do investigations, they will meet foreign personnel, they will discuss this situation but never ever they have taken any action in reality. The US military is far more advanced than that of India. They have high-tech weapons to tackle modern terrorism. What about India u may ask ? Well, most of the indian police use weapons ued in India Revolution of Independence. The lowlevel police use lathi(Sticks) and the middlelevel police use some rusted rifle which i don't think can be used anymore. It has to be reloaded after 2 shots. Most of the police personnels have low salary that they have to be corrupt to support their family and their obesity. Somebody get some atheletic, brave cops in India and hand them some M4A1 used by US Army . Then this situation would had been solved within 4-5 hours.

The only solution to this war against terrorism can be World War III. I believe the Middle East is the centre for all terorrists Activities (Include Pakistan and Pak Occupied Kashmir in it also). Start a bloody damn war to silence terrorism. I can't bear the pain and shame of being in a country where every month thousands of innocents die at the hands of some f**king terrorists. No peace can be gained without war. We never wanted it but they should surely get it.

I don't care whether u like my blogs or not. Whether u r some government agency spying on me. Whether u will punish me and hang me to death. Because u just can't do it since the truth can never be changed.

God if u r out there somewhere (which i dont think so) , come for rescue. U can't just watch this reality show of death from the heaven and if u will not take any action then those people who have blind faith in god, throw ur f**king faith in the trash can. Don't beleive in someone who doesn't exist. Till then, good bye and get some peace.